Eating with lung cancer

Mum has lung cancer is on palliative care since last Jan. She had fluid on her lungs drained 3 months ago. Now she barely eats, most foods give her pains and diarrhoea. She can eat very little plain food. Weighs about 5 stone. Is this a normal progression 

  • Hi there and thanks for posting

    I am very sorry to hear about your mum, this must be a difficult time for you both.

    It must be very upsetting for you to see your mum's health deteriorate. Unfortunately without being involved in your mum's care it is difficult to say whether these are signs she is nearing the end of life. Depending on the individual patients type of cancer and the parts of body it is affecting will influence the symptoms a person will experience.

    It would be best to have a chat with one of the palliative care nurses or doctors involved about her current symptoms so they can best support her and keep her as comfortable as possible.

    Do get back in touch if you have further questions or feel free to call the nurse helpline on 0808 800 4040, we're here weekdays 9-5.

    Take care
