Are ct scanners to live nextdoor to?

My landlord(a vet) intends to install a ct scanner about 1metre from where myself and children sleep. We are terrified of the implications this amount of radiation will have on us. Moving home would be extremely difficult for a number of reasons. What can we do?

  • We live above the vets, the scanner will be in a potable building on the ground floor outside our bedroom window. I know this scenario seems utterly rediculous, however, this is very real and imminent. No planning permission has been sought. The land the buillding will be sited on is 'unregistered'

  • Hello and thank you for posting,

    I can appreciate you are concerned about this.

    It is important to know that radiation cannot go through walls.

    The CT scan itself will only affect the animal being scanned, and the amount of radiation they are being exposed to is very low, so it is very unlikely that this will put you and your family at risk of radiation exposure. For example, in hospitals, it is safe to have waiting rooms next to the room where the CT scanner is.

    I don't know if it is helpful to discuss your concerns with your landlord or you could contact your local council planning department for advice.

    I hope this reply helps a little.

    Kind regards
