
Please can someone tell me what the upper limit is cranial radiation.  I had 2000 rads as a child  then gamma knife 4 years ago and am due to have more gamma knife next year.

I'm aware radiation is acumulative and do try and limit ct scans xrays etc..given their way the dentist would take xrays each visit!

It seems to affect me a lot..the childhood radiation caused multiple brain tumours, the gamma knife..contributed to perminant right sided hearing loss as well as migraines. 

  • Hi there midnightfish and thanks for the post

    I am sorry to hear about your situation and all the treatment you have had and experienced side effects from, it sounds like this has taken its toll on you over the years.

    As a nurse rather than a radiographer I am unsure exactly of the upper limits of cranial radiation and if you are concerned about further radiotherapy you should speak with your own radiologist about this.

    I am aware however that with brain tumours it isn't uncommon for patients to have repeated cranial gamma knife procedures and the doctors will always weigh up any risk versus the benefits for each patient under their care.

    I am sorry not to be able to give you any more on this occasion but please do get back in touch if you have further questions.

    Wishing you all the best
