BCC - doctors are giving me conflicting feedback. Which one is correct?

Hello I’ve had a biopsy and told I have cancerous cells in a bcc on my face I went for surgery but the doctor wouldn’t do it due to location and told me it needs surgery but he is referring me for moghs surgery I went to an appointment an the doctor I saw there said it could just b left is this correct because one doc is telling me there’s cancer cells and one is telling me it’s ok it can be left until it grows big again on the outside why would we leave cancer?

  • Hi there princess peach and thank you for your post

    I am sorry to hear you have a bcc and the confusion you have been left about treatment.

    I would suggest you speak with your GP to see what they have to say and whether they can refer you to another skin specialist for a second opinion.

    Basal cell carcinomas are common and are usually slow growing and rarely tend to spread. Because of this there doesn't tend to be an urgency to treat them and many people will need to wait several months to have surgery to remove them if this is needed.

    For you own peace of mind talk this through with your GP to decide the best way forward for you.

    Hope you can get some reassurance soon and a plan of action.

    Best wishes
