Edometrial Thickening Post Menopause on HRT

I have been taking continual HRT for about 18 months (I’m 56) and last summer I became symptomatic & had a heavy bleed after my periods were very irregular (no bleed for 11 months then started again). I had a TV scan in August & my endometrium measured 3mm.  I do have a couple of fibroids (1 measuring 6cms at that time. As everything looked ok my Dr increased my HRT to 75mcg oestrogen patches & 200mcg utrogestan daily. I had a light bleed monthly for the first couple of months like a period (pmt, cramps etc) & then I have bled continually since Nov 24. It’s very dark but light in flow & can be contained with a liner. 

I saw my GP who referred me for another scan & hysteroscopy (I’ve had 2 previously) & the somographer reported than my womb lining is now 10.4mm. An increase of 7mm since August. The GP felt it coincided with the HRT increase but I am now fast tracked for my hysteroscopy although I’ve been told I don’t need to stop the HRT right now. I feel it is due to my medication as I have had continual bleeding on progesterone previously (merina coils etc) but I am quite worried. Thanks 

  • Hello there and thanks for the post

    I appreciate that the ongoing continuous bleeding is worrying to you but try and hear what the doctor is saying that this could be linked to the HRT, which it could.

    The important thing is the doctor has referred you for another urgent hysteroscopy just to be on the safe side and there the doctor will discuss what needs to happen next with you.

    I understand this is playing on your mind but try and take things one step at a time for now and try not to let your thoughts run away with you.

    I hope you are seen soon and your mind can be put at ease.

    You know where we are if you need to come back to us or if you would like to talk this through over the phone. we are here weekdays 9-5 on 0808 800 4040.

    All the best


  • Thank you for your response, I do tend to catastrophise as I have a lot going on in my personal life. This then causes other symptoms, irritation of my IBS etc which makes it worse. My procedure is on Monday so I will try & stay calm til then, thank you!