
Hi everyone,

I have just joined this group. I was diagnosed with terminal pancreatic cancer 4 weeks ago. Unfortunately because of pre-existing conditions and where my tumour is growing it is not possible to operate. I have had the results of my biopsy and am going to be offered palliative chemotherapy. Has anyone else been through this?  Is there any point in having it?  I am deteriorating and on anti-sickness meds and a concoction of pain relief medication. What exactly will the palliative chemo do?  Will it be more pain relief or add any length of life?  I don’t want to prolong the process and would prefer quality of life rather than existing in a painful one where I am in bed not able to do anything. Thanks  

  • Hi MelBE and thank you for posting.

    I am sorry to learn of your recent diagnosis, this must be such a difficult time for you.

    Doctors will always consider whether possible side effects outweigh the benefits of treatment. Treatments such as Palliative chemotherapy, are given to help people feel better and improve their quality of life, for example, it may shrink a tumour and, in doing so, can help reduce pain if the tumour is pressing on nerves. The doctors will choose a treatment that has as few side effects as possible. In some situations, it can also extend someone's life.

    One option might be to try the chemotherapy, but if you are finding the side effects are too much the doctors can always stop the treatment.

    It is worth having a chat with your cancer specialist or nurse specialist as they know your situation. It would be good to clarify what the aim of the treatment will be and if you choose not to have treatment to ask how will your symptoms be managed. If this has not been done already, you can be referred to the palliative care team which will include a Macmillan/ palliative care nurse who are experts in managing symptoms and providing support for you and your family.

    Pancreatic Cancer UK provides information and support for people affected by pancreatic cancer and they have a community chat forum as well a community group which you can join through social media such as WhatsApp or Facebook.

    I hope this reply is useful and the links above are helpful. If you would like to talk things through with one of our nurses on the helpline we are available between 9am and 5pm Monday to Friday and the freephone number to call is 0808 800 4040.

    Take care
