Bartholin gland cyst or carcinoma


Many years ago I had a very painful Bartholin cyst abscess.  I managed to relieve it by having hot baths a few times a day and it cleared up absolutely fine.  Since then I’ve noticed the swelling coming and going from time to time but thankfully never had another awful abscess. 
I’m 44 now and perimenopausal,  last night I noticed the cyst has become fairly large.  It’s not painful but it is giving me cause for concern as two years ago I was referred to gynaecology and had hysteroscopy and biopsy of the womb which stemmed from a series of blood results over a few months of increasingly raised CA125.  Thankfully all came back fine from the biopsy and I was discharged.
However, the raised cancer antigen bloods still plays in the back of my mind.  The Bartholin gland changing in size and the fact that I’m perimenopausal I’m concerned about it possibly being something more sinister.  Just wondering if it’s normal at my age to still have Bartholin cysts and how would I know the difference if it was an adenocarcinoma?  

  • Hi there and thanks for posting

    I am sorry to hear about this swelling you have recently noticed. I'm afraid no one here can say what this may be caused by and whilst bartholin cyst is one possibility there are others too that need to be looked into.

    We suggest arranging an appointment with your GP so they can assess you and the swelling. If they have any concerns they can arrange further tests for you.

    As difficult as it may be try not to over think this, as I say there are a number of things this could be other than cancer but only your GP can say what this may be.

    I hope you know more soon

    Take care
