Assesment when freckle is scabbed over?

I have an appointment coming up at a clinic for an in-person assessment (clinical photography has already been done) The trouble is the freckle/mole in question keeps bleeding and scanning over, then healing slightly, then bleeding again in what seems to be a neverending cycle. Does it matter where in this cycle I am when I have my appointment at the clinic? If the freckle is scabbed over will that block the visual assessment? I haven't been given any real information, including any sort of number to ring to ask questions like this. I'm so sorry if this isn't the right forum for this

  • Hi Buggity and thank you for posting.

    I imagine waiting for your appointment might be an anxious time for you.

    Try not to worry about what stage the freckle/mole is when you see the doctor, they will ask you questions about what symptoms you have noticed and then they will be able to assess the abnormal area. They may use a special magnifying device to examine the skin more closely. If you can, tell them exactly what you are noticing, that will help with their assessment.

    I hope you get an appointment and have more answers soon,

    Take care
