Signs of Cancer ???

Good morning,

I am a 54 year old male, I am HIV+ (undetectable). Approximatley 4 months ago I started getting swelling in the lower left side of my stomach, it was'nt caused by anything to do with diet, I went to the Drs and I was told it was acid reflux and was given gaviscon, I found this a ridiculous diagnosis, but they have to be right, they are the professionals. If I stood in front of a mirror you could clearly see the swelling to one side of my body, from directly under my ribcage down to my waist. About 6 weeks ago I noticed a change in my bowel movements, I would go from solid to mushy to runny, then it changed to yellowy coloured thin long floating with holes and specks that looked to me like blood, I tried several times to see a Dr and could never get an appointment so I just left it, for the past 3 weeks I have been constipated, its painful to pass and when I do I still feel the need to go more, the stools are seperate floating chunks now, that have an almost glossy coating, dark brown with holes that are red or black speckles. I am in agony with stomach bloating and pain like i am full up, severe lower back pain, i have swollen neck and sore throats, find it hard to swallow but not all of the time, have lost 15 kilos in a month, have no appetite and severe headaches.. sorry folks this is so long....What should i do, many thanks

  • Hi Micky and thank you for your post.

    I am sorry to read that you are concerned about sympotms you are experiencing.

    We always suggest that when someone has a change in bowel habit they contact their GP. Only a doctor can make a medical assessment so the best thing to do is to go back and see your GP if you have any new symptoms. You could also call the 111 service who can perform an assessment via the telephone and can give you some advice.

    There are many conditions that can cause changes in bowel habits other than cancer, but it is best to seek a medical opinion and hopefully put your mind at rest.

    I really hope you know more soon and that everything will be okay for you.

    Please get back to us if you need any more information or support. You may find it helpful to talk things through with one of the nurses on our helpline. The number to call is Freephone 0808 800 4040 and the lines are open from 9am till 5pm Monday to Friday.

    Kind regards
