Hi there . I had a smear supposed to be my last ever as im just turned 63 years old . It was positive for high grade cells . So i had a biopsy taken. Via a coloscopy, and that came back positive for CNI3 cells . I have the hpv virus as well sorry forgot to mention . It was a horrible experience very painful as i had not gone numb before he started. My usual consultant got rushed off for an emergency. I got a stand in .Honestly I've spent half my life in hospital with very serious things ,such as coma with mrsa sepsis ,msny many cases of mrsa pneumonia, left atrial myxoma tumour excisjon ,Crohn's comications with mrsa peritonitis, and more so i rarely complain about pain . Or doctors . This man was German or polish ,not nice at all. He really hurt me and i shouted out during pro cedure . My consultant wanted to do under general anashetic but my sugars of three months we're too high . So i couldn't have sedation either . The whole thing was awful . That was 18th nov this year. The biopsy came back positive .
Now im booked in for 9 th January 25 . Im so scared if i might have to have a hysterectomy and chemo . A huge op ,I've had four ops on my womb ,for endometriosis. A full hysterectomy is a huge op ,do they expect you to have chemo when you're still getting over it . Do you need chemo as well? Im so scared . Im not lucky when it comes to health . I have suffered from thrush and burning for 2 and a half years so i knew something wasn't right there .
Im dreadeding this procedure again wherd they are doing a treatment which i should have already had but he said he didn't think i needed it . How wrong he was . I can't stop thinking about all this it's like being on death row .