Hi I’m new here!
i was diagnosed with early stage 1 lung cancer in november and begin radiotherapy next week. During investigations the PET scan picked up parotid gland and although 2 different lung consultants felt it was nothing to worry about they wanted to get it checked with an ultra sound and FNA.
I had an appt with an ENT assistant who read the report to me (below) and said they couldn't get a diagnosis so recommend surgery! I found this a tad extreme to be honest. I have since been offered a contrast MRI and a core needle procedure.
Would these procedures give a more accurate diagnosis? What is a core needle procedure? Obviously I do not want surgery if it is not necessarily needed.
This is the lab report if anyone can explain it to me please!
Parotid gland lab report
Rt lung (illegible) referred for radiotherapy - PET scan showed Lt parotid nodule (very small) with avid uptake ?
'US guided fine needle aspiration'
Approx Volume: 5ml
Opacity: Clear
Colour: Red
Fragments/Clots: Yes, fragments
This is a cellular aspirate showing numerous oncocytes with dense cytoplasm and nuclei showing nucleoli. The cells are dyscohesive. There are also sheets in which magenta matrix is seen. There are histocytes present as well.
Calcification is noted. Only a few lymphocytes, if any are seen. The cytological features are suggestive of aspirate from an oncocytic lesion. The differentials include showing oncocytic change, Warthin's tumour and an oncocytoma.
Excision of pleomorphic salivary adenoma is needed to accurately diagnose the lesion
Thank you for any advice you can offer.