Superclavical lymph node swelling

I have swollen lypmh nodes in my neck and painful superclavival lymph node swelling. I have a Dr. phone call appointment on Friday to discuss but everything I have read says superclavical lymph nodes point to cancer. I have recently had a baby and terrified I'm not going to be here for her. Are these lymph nodes always indicative of cancer? Furthermore, are they usually later stages as some articles suggest?

I wish I could talk to GP soon but receptionist says not possible.

  • Hello Sarah and thank you for your post.

    While I know it is a worry having lymph nodes swollen, even if they are in the supraclavicular area they are not always caused by cancer. Often they are caused by past or current infections. You have done the right thing in getting a GP appointment, waiting for a few days is unlikely to cause you harm.

    In the meantime, please do not touch or prod the area as this could make your lymph nodes sore and more inflamed. Also, remember that looking online cannot diagnose you but may cause you more worry.

    If you are very worried try to manage this by keeping focused on something that keeps your mind off this. Do also talk with your family or friends so that they can support you.

    I hope your GP appointment goes well and remember that even if you are asked to have a scan and blood test, this still does not necessarily mean you have cancer.

    You may find it helpful to talk things through with one of the nurses on our helpline.  The number to call is Freephone 0808 800 4040 and the lines are open from 9am till 5pm Monday to Friday.

    Take care 
