Abnormal smear , cells now large cyst and ultrasound results. Can any one give me some advise

I've had pains in my stomach , abdomen and back sciatic pain since aug 23. I was dismissed various times with IBS and acid reflux and over active bladder. Last year I began to suffer with b12 deficiency and flare ups of pains, high blood pressure. They put me on ometprozole, alverine , and b12 3 monthly injections. When I had my repeat yearly smear due to HPV, it picked up on cell changes and high risk HPV but never gave the type. I ended up going to a colposcopy and it was graded as mild dyskaryosis cell changes. I was to repeat my smear in a year and if the same get a biopsy. Since then I've suffered with severe pelvic pain, sciatic pain down my right leg and upper abdominal pain central. I have had pain after intercourse and bleeding and the urge to go to the toilet alot. I suffered 1 month ago with severe pain , and suddenly started to irregular bleed even though I'd had my period 2 weeks before. I went to the doctors and was sent for bloods and a ultra sound. My ALT (liver) was raised and my ca125 was 18 so normal. My ultra sound has picked up on the following though. Endometrium thickeking off 11.8 mm , 2.6x12.8CM simple cyst on right ovary , multiple varied sizes of follicles on left ovary. Free fluid in the cul de sac. And liver steatosis, my doctors asked me to book an appointment. Obviously all the above written out is concerning and I'm non the wiser to what is now the outcome or pathway. I'm 36 and have two young children and I'm in chronic pain that up to now for a year I feel was dismissed as IBS. Any advice I'd really appreciate my doctors ringing me Friday what will the next steps be. 

  • Hello and thanks for your post,

    I am sorry to hear about your situation. You do sound like you have had a horrible time that has gone on for a while.

    It is difficult to give an opinion without being involved in your care. Your doctors sound like they have been trying to get to the bottom of why you are having all your symptoms and they have all your medical records.

    Endometrial thickening otherwise known as endometrial hyperplasia is something that you could ask your doctor about.

    They may consider doing a hysteroscopy so they can look at the inside of your womb and perhaps take some biopsies.

    Try and keep an open mind there are many non cancerous conditions so try if you can not to over think it all for now.

    Ovarian cysts are common and most of the time they are nothing to worry about.

    You may find it helpful to read through the various links before you speak to the doctor on Friday.

    I do hope that you know more soon.

    You are welcome to ring the nurses on the helpline if you want to talk things through.

    The nurses are here Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm and the number is Freephone 0808 800 4040.

    We are closed on the Christmas bank holidays and also Christmas Eve

    Best wishes,


  • Thank you for responding Catherine. After all that worry they reported the size wrongly in my radiology report. It's actually only 3 cm so it's a watch and wait rescan me in 4 months. Which was reassuring as my ca125 isn't excessive either. But I've bleed since again inbetween my period and I'm worried about the cell changing. It's only been 4 months and they said it takes years so if by any chance it's that that's causing the bleeding and pain it's worrying. I've got another 6 months till my smear to wait. Surely the colposcopy unit would consider that a change bleeding irregularly it was one of their questions nefore the procedure. Just feel uncomfortable and no nearer to a answer. They spoke to me about having the coil at the GP surgery but unsure that won't just make it worse.