I recently had ct scan all came back normal.
Would it have shown up bowel cancer?
I. Paranoid as my mum died of bowel cancer
Thank you
I recently had ct scan all came back normal.
Would it have shown up bowel cancer?
I. Paranoid as my mum died of bowel cancer
Thank you
Hello and thanks for posting,
I can appreciate your concern.
Yes, a CT scan is a very reliable scan, and can detect very small areas, including thickening of tissue and organs. The CT scan would have been reviewed by a consultant before the final report was produced.
I hope this helps,
Best wishes,
That's awesome Vanda Thank-you x
I agree with the Nurse I've just had a CT scan after a Colonoscopy I got the all clear for that but what the CT has picked up instead is extensive thickening of the Bronchial wall and mild Bronchiolitis ,so now I have an appointment for that 11 December ,I think you can relax now and believe your great news x
Thank you so much xxx
Vanda, do polys or diverticulits show on ct too? x
Hello and thanks for your further post
Diverticulitis and polyps can show up on a CT scan. This scan is very good at detecting complications related to diverticular disease, such as inflamed diverticula, abscesses ,or thickening of the bowel wall. However, as your scan was normal it means that there was no active inflammation or complications seen.
I hope this helps.
Kind regards,
That's awesome thank you for putting my mind at rest xx