Hello, I went in for a mammogram and ultrasound at our breast unit after I found a breast lump. Things moved quite fast and I had several biopsies from my breast and under arm. They found more lumps and swelling in the scans and after being told that the results would be one week, I was taken back in for a second mammogram and then told I had breast cancer. I have a Full body CT scan booked already and need to have bone scan. This happened on Thursday this week and my CT scan is booked for Monday and I am told my bone scan will be next week too and I am back in on Friday for the biopsies results. I am feeling quite scared and have had a stage 3 melanoma when I was 30 and a second in 2016 which was a stage 2 so know everything is dealt with quickly. I know it’s hard to say but the consultant thinks it’s spread to my lymph nodes because of the swelling. I have a 8 year old and 13 year old and I am so worried for them.
my question is, are things usually this quick with a biopsy and being told at the same appointment, and for scans to be so quick? Should I prepare my family for the worse?
thank you