Breast cancer diagnosis

Hello, I went in for a mammogram and ultrasound at our breast unit after I found a breast lump. Things moved quite fast and I had several biopsies from my breast and under arm. They found more lumps and swelling in the scans and after being told that the results would be one week, I was taken back in for a second mammogram and then told I had breast cancer. I have a Full body CT scan booked already and need to have bone scan. This happened on Thursday this week and my CT scan is booked for Monday and I am told my bone scan will be next week too and I am back in on Friday for the biopsies results. I am feeling quite scared and have had a stage 3 melanoma when I was 30 and a second in 2016 which was a stage 2 so know everything is dealt with quickly. I know it’s hard to say but the consultant thinks it’s spread to my lymph nodes because of the swelling. I have a 8 year old and 13 year old and I am so worried for them. 
my question is, are things usually this quick with a biopsy and being told at the same appointment, and for scans to be so quick? Should I prepare my family for the worse?

thank you 

  • Hello and thanks for your post,

    I am sorry to hear that you are having investigations.

    It is difficult to know what is happening in your situation without being involved in your care but sometimes things do happen quickly, particularly if the doctors need to find out more. Sometimes hospitals have one stop clinics and they try to get all the tests done within a time frame.

    Try not to overthink it for now. The doctors need to get all the different tests together before they can confirm a diagnosis.

    The doctors need the results of the biopsy which will help to confirm whether it is breast cancer and if so the type and grade of cancer.

    I can understand how unsettling this must be waiting to find out more.

    You may find it helpful to share what your going through with a trusted friend or relative but no one can tell you what it is and how the doctors might treat it until they have all the results in front of them.

    You are welcome whilst you wait to give one of the helpline nurses a ring if you would find it useful to go through any of this.

    I do hope you know more soon.

    If you want to give the nurses a call then the number to call is Freephone 0808 800 4040 and the lines are open from 9am till 5pm Monday to Friday.

    Best wishes,


  • Thank you.

    i really appreciate your reply.

    i will give the helpline a call.

    many thanks again.