I was wondering in terms of surgery and surgeons is there any information that would indicate what the best hospital is to have surgery at and the best surgeon and obtain reviews on the surgeon, also will the surgeon be able to show me before and after pictures which would help me to decide whether to go through a reconstruction, help to talk and show the surgeon what I would like to achieve if it is possible, and so I can visualise the results before making a decision. In terms of full masectomy are all options available to me in terms of reconstruction from my own body and if so what parts of my body? as well saline and silicone implants.
I am going through chemo at the moment as I have inflammatory breast cancer, it is really frustrating as people keep saying take it one step at a time and so no one has answered these questions at the hospital so dar but that is not a useful approach for me and is infuriating as I like to be fully informed and the surgery and what it is going to look like and how it is going to effect me, and the possible looks of reconstruction are what I am most concerned about. The more I know about the surgery, the more it will help me visualise and process what I will look like and what can be done, which is a better way to help me cope.
Also, are there any specific support groups either nationally or in the Sussex area online or otherwise for people with inflammatory breast cancer, during my journey it would be useful to have had a buddy that had gone through this themself that could talk me through their experience.