My partner was diagnosed with a Grade 2 oligodendroglioma in June. He had debulking surgery and has completed a course of 28 radiotherapy sessions. He has surrendered his license and today received confirmation of this as well as an information leaflet about epilepsy. He does not have epilepsy but "seizures" (more likely auras) due to the pressure on his brain and subsequent healing. He has never lost consciousness, he only gets a smell and taste (fully conscious and alert throughout). Doctors have called his first two incidents as "seizures" and subsequent "auras", however, both have presented as the same. The letter today has caused him great distress as the epilepsy leaflet states that he cannot drive if having epileptic auras, however, information to the contrary suggests a) he will be able to reapply after 12 months being 'seizure' free (not aura) and/or b) 12 months following radiotherapy. Are you able to advise at all? He is a mechanic and reliant on being able to drive. Would the reapplication process take into account medical advice (ie. Not a danger to the public as remains in control) or is it a blanket ban until he is free from "auras"? Your support much appreciated. This has been an extremely difficult time with very little support for him.