Family history - stomach cancer

Hi,  I hope it's ok to post here, I did posti n signs and symptoms but not sure if this is more the place.  I'm 37 and for about 2 years I've been having issues with heartburn, bloating and feeling full very quickly.  

Recently I feel like things have been getting worse, I'm getting these symptoms:

- heartburn

- pain when swallowing- particularly things like chips and cold fizzy drinks are very painful

- bloating

- a pain around my sternum and centre of my back

- mild pain across the top of my stomach

- pain if I drink alcohol (rarely) 

- if I take rennies or something like that the heartburn eases but I get pain across my stomach instead

- niggling pain under my right rib just below my breast area. 

- very occasionally I get a spasm type pain in my chest which feels like a heart attack but goes away if I drink cold water- I assume it's indigestion.

- Palptiations- probably not related but just including as it's something new I've experienced in the last 2 weeks. 

I'm only 37 so I know it's unlikely but my mum passed away with stomach cancer in her early 60's and her gran also died of stomach cancer so I'm concerned there is a family history.  

I've spoken to my GP and he's recommended trying omeprazole for 2 weeks and if this works then he wouldn't have any concerns, however I've read a lot about symptoms being masked and I'm not sure if i should push for a referral anyway due to the history and symptoms? 

  • Hello there and thanks for the post

    I am sorry to hear both your mum and gran died of stomach cancer and appreciate how your symptoms are concerning you too.

    You have done the right thing by seeing your doctor about this. Symptoms can be caused by many different things and most won't be the result of something serious like cancer, but when ongoing it is best to get them checked out.

    You doctor is the best person to assess you to work out what the matter may be and arrange further tests if needed.

    It is worth trying the omeprazole and seeing if this helps but if it doesn't and the symptoms continue do go back to the doctor again. You could request to see a different doctor in the practice if you prefer.

    There are currently no screening for stomach cancer as seen on our website, but anyone who is worried about family history should discuss this with their GP. They can always refer you on to a genetic clinic if they think necessary. 

    I hope you see an improvement in your symptoms soon and that everything is okay for you.

    Please get back to us if you need any more information or support.  You may find it helpful to talk things through with one of the nurses on our helpline.  The number to call is Freephone 0808 800 4040 and the lines are open from 9am till 5pm Monday to Friday.

    Best wishes
