CEA level 500

Hi - had routine bloods done 2 weeks ago which showed CEA level 500. No symptoms, no pain, no bleeding, no anaemia. Doctor did physical pelvic examination and couldn’t find or feel anything obvious. Repeated bloods and CEA level has increased slightly. To get bowel screening and ovarian scan. I have had 2 routine National bowel screenings done since I was age 50. Both clear, I am now 54. Doctor doesn’t know what the problem is and didn’t offer any suggestions to put my mind at rest (she’s never been great with communication tbh). I am worried sick at the 500 level as normal readings are around 3. Does this high reading suggest an advanced stage cancer even though I have no symptoms. I am so worried that I can’t sleep. 

  • Hello Mozimo 1223 and thank you for posting,

    I am sorry to learn you have had a blood test result that is causing you concern.

    I am unsure why a CEA (Carcinoembryonic Antigen)  was originally checked. The CEA is a chemical found in the bloodstream. Its level tends to be raised in people with cancer of the colon and rectum. It is routinely measured and useful to check for cancer coming back after successful surgical treatment.

    It isn't commonly done as part of a routine blood test if a person doesn't have cancer.

    I appreciate you have spoken to the GP but it would be worth speaking to them again, as they know your situation, especially with the level so high.

    It might be useful to clarify why a CEA was done, if further tests are needed, could this be high because of cancer, if not what else could it be?

    I hope this helps in some way. Please get back to us if you need any more information or support.


  • Thank you for this. I have no previous cancer diagnosis and had originally got routine bloods done for raised blood pressure. I have asked why this tumour marker was tested and was told the doctor in question  ‘was always very thorough’. I am just so worried because they called me in straight away for a physical pelvic examination (which found nothing) and cannot understand why I have such a high repeated reading with no symptoms? I am waiting on results of a bowel screen and waiting on an ovarian scan. When I went for my initial physical examination doctor mentioned indications of cancer. Anything I read about CEA500 suggests advanced cancer hence the reason I’m worried sick. I can’t sleep nor eat and in tears.

  • No advice as I'm not medical but wanted to offer a virtual hug. Very obviously a stressful situation to be in. I hope they get to the bottom of it soon and it's not anything like what you're worrying about. Another hug. Keep us posted x

  • Hi and thank you for your further post,

    I can appreciate this is a worrying and confusing time for you especially when you are having no symptoms,

    It is good you are having further tests done as it is not possible to make a diagnosis just on a blood test. It sounds like unfortunately, the doctor may not have any answers for you until those tests are done.

    I hope you can have support at this time from family and friends, and please do get back to us or call our helpline if you would like to speak with one of our nurses directly.

    Take care
