Oesophageal Cancer

Are there any approved books on caring for a patient with Oesophageal Cancer and are there any diet dedicated recipe books you can recommend please?

  • Hello Dadsgroup and thanks for your post,

    We have a page on our website about different resources and organisations and some of the charities may be able to suggest reputable books. It also has information about different support groups which you might find helpful to join and get tips from other patients or relatives. If you have a Maggie's Centre near you they often have books that you can borrow.

    We have a page on our website about living and coping with oesophageal cancer which you might find helpful to look at.

    We have another page on our website about living and eating with oesophageal cancer

    There is an Irish charity called Break through Cancer Research and they offer useful tips for diet with patients with oesophageal cancer.

    We also have a page on our website about coping with diet problems which you might find helpful to look at. The Royal Marsden have produced a cookbook which you might find helpful.

    I do hope that some of these links may be helpful. You have posted on 'ask the nurses' but if you post on another thread or start your own you may find that you get other responses from patients or relatives in a similar situation.

    You are very welcome to ring and chat to one of the helpline nurses to discuss this or anything else. The number to call is Freephone 0808 800 4040 and the lines are open from 9am till 5pm Monday to Friday.

    All the very best,
