Still having all my symptoms

Hi so I have had non specific symptoms since the end of May, had multiple blood tests done a sigmoidoscopy and a CT scan, the CT showed a lucent lesion on my spine which I have been referred to hopefully see a spine specialist, but I have been waiting since September and heard nothing back yet, every time I ring the department it goes to voicemail.
My LDH levels are higher than they should be, however on my last blood tests my LDH levels had came down a bit, on my FBC my white blood were low and now it’s  8.4 and my neutrophil count was low and it’s now 6.1. I am just wondering, or if that’s a good thing or should I be worried? I am at a loose end because I keep getting rejected by haematology and the Drs don’t seem too worried about my symptoms because of my blood results. I don’t know what more I can ask them to do, I have a little boy who needs looking after and am worried my symptoms get worse and I end up being really poorly. Just looking for some advice on what I ask them to do. 

  • Hello Nic108 and thanks for your post,

    I am sorry to hear about your situation. It is frustrating when you have non specific symptoms and the doctors are unable to find out the root cause.

    I can only suggest that you go back to your GP or another GP in the practice (who may have another viewpoint) and ask their opinion.

    As I am not involved in your medical history it is difficult to give an opinion as to where you go from here. The GP can only refer you to the particular specialist if abnormal symptoms are identified and it is not unusual to have a slightly abnormal blood test and then this then returns to normal.

    There are also many other conditions other then cancer that may explain how you are feeling so try not to over think it for now.

    The Patients Association have written some tips about how to make the most out of your GP appointment

    I do hope that you feel better soon.

    All the best,
