Hi so I have had non specific symptoms since the end of May, had multiple blood tests done a sigmoidoscopy and a CT scan, the CT showed a lucent lesion on my spine which I have been referred to hopefully see a spine specialist, but I have been waiting since September and heard nothing back yet, every time I ring the department it goes to voicemail.
My LDH levels are higher than they should be, however on my last blood tests my LDH levels had came down a bit, on my FBC my white blood were low and now it’s 8.4 and my neutrophil count was low and it’s now 6.1. I am just wondering, or if that’s a good thing or should I be worried? I am at a loose end because I keep getting rejected by haematology and the Drs don’t seem too worried about my symptoms because of my blood results. I don’t know what more I can ask them to do, I have a little boy who needs looking after and am worried my symptoms get worse and I end up being really poorly. Just looking for some advice on what I ask them to do.