Hi there. I went under general anaesthetic for a hysteroscopy on Friday. I couldn’t remember much when waking up but I remember the doctor saying it looks hormonal however they have still sent cells off for a biopsy.
I’ve had extreme bleeding irregular for the past year, constant dull ache on one side on my pelvis (always the same side which I can still feel now) and have had womb lining of 10.6mm but appeared heterogeneous.
Medical terms do confuse me and I may be over thinking but I’m nervous I have ovarian cancer,I am only 24. But because the doctor said the hysteroscopy looked hormonal,does this mean the biopsy results could still come back as cancerous?
In a simpler term would a doctor tell you if they thought it was cancer? Understandably they have to sent the biopsy off but if they suspected cancer from the hysteroscopy alone surely they wouldn’t say it looked hormonal or could they not tell?
any advice would be appreciated.
thank you