My 31yr old daughter has had a FIT test which came back positive 2 weeks ago. It came back as 60 which the GP said is high. GP said she should get a letter to go for a colonoscopy, this was 2 weeks ago and heard nothing from the hospital. She contacted her GP and she told her that there is a 4 month wait for a colonoscopy.
as you can imagine we are all very anxious. Sshe also has Isopholic Asthma which has been worse the last few months, the immunosuppressant injection she has monthly are no longer having an affect either so it's all making her more anxious.
is there any way she can be seen quicker? We're all very surprised that there seems to be a very long wait for a cancer diagnosis.. we don't have money to go private unfortunately otherwise we would.
Amy advice appreciated please many thanks