Does a Chemo patient's family have to avoid another family members baby who has had their 8 week jabs

Hi,  my husband's sister is due to start chemo on Tuesday, but we have an 8 week old grandson who is having his 1st set of jabs today. We had previously been told that it is just the chemo patient that cant see the baby for 2 weeks after baby has his jabs but we have been told today that WE cant see the chemo patient for 2 weeks if we are seeing the baby OR we cant see the baby for 2 weeks if we  are seeing the chemo patient. Obviously we want to keep the chemo patient safe but have had conflicting info. Can you clarify this for me please. Do WE have to avoid the baby to keep sister in law safe ? Many thanks.

  • Hello and thanks for posting

    I'm sorry to read about this situation. I imagine it must be tough especially when you want to support both your sister in law during her chemotherapy and be there for your grandson.

    A person's immune system is often weakened during chemotherapy making them more vulnerable to infections. Some of the vaccines that babies receive are live vaccines. This means while the baby doesn't usually get ill from the jabs, there's a small chance that he could shed the virus for a short time after been vaccinated.

    If your sister in law's immune system is very weak. there is a risk, however small, that she could catch something from anyone who has been in contact with the baby, especially in those two weeks after the jabs. This is why some doctors recommend avoiding the baby and anyone in close contact with him during that period.

    The safest approach would be to follow the advice of your sister in law's healthcare team. It sounds like they've advised you to keep a distance from either the baby or your sister in law for two weeks after the baby's vaccinations to minimise any risk. To be completely sure, your sister in law could contact her hospital team directly and ask for their specific guidance on this. They will know her cancer type and what chemotherapy she will be having and should be able to advise her further.

    I hope this reply is of some help. Give us a ring if you would like to talk anything over. The number to call is Freephone 0808 800 4040 and the lines are open from 9am till 5pm Monday to Friday.

    Kind regards,
