I am currently going through tests as the doctor found red spots in my cervix and I have some symptoms that are concerning including watery discharge and odour, brown and red spotting, pelvic pain, leg pain etc. The doc thinks I also have endometriosis as well but that wouldn't cause those symptoms but it looks like I do have endo anyway due to many years of symptoms plus many years of rectal bleeding and painful ovary when ovualting (had this since i can remember). I'm also now finding brown flakes in the toilet when I wee. I'm absolutely convincing myself that it's spread. I'm so scared but also confused.
However, I'm a little upset and confused. I had my regular smear tests. Every single one saying that they were normal. I made sure I would go. My last one was 2022. It was normal and I remember the nurse saying my cervix looks healthy.
Is it possible to develop cervical c if your smear test was normal and cervix looked healthy 2 years ago? I take it it would depend on which type cos regular smears only look for hpv type? My nana had cervical c so I know there's a risk. I just thought I'd be fine with smears so thought nothing of the symptoms which is a shame.. im so sad. I have two beautiful girls and im so scared for them.