Newly Diagnosed Endometerial Cancer

After seeing my GP for PMB  on the 12th August I was seen at our local hospital within 2 days.  Had a hysteroscopy and found to have a thickend endometrium, polyp.  Pipelle biopsy performed.  Given all clear including smear.

The next week the polyp was removed and a Mirena coil fitted.  I was recalled to clinic and was told there was a cancer found when they performed the MYosure procedure.  MRI done.  After nearly 2 weeks I was seen on the Thursday (last week)  at another hospital and told it was a Stage 1a endometrial cancer.  Met the Gynaecologist Oncologist to be offered a full hysterectomy the following Tuesday.  Forms were signed etc. I was phoned  the next day by one of the senior gynae nurses who informed me I was too high risk for surgery due to my hernia and my raised BMI. I have been suffering alot of bloating above tummy button mainly I have bowel urgency in the morings.  I just wonder could this be caused by the cancer, hernia or stress.  The last few weeks have been a roller coaster of emotions to say the least!  I was told I would probably have to have my hernia repaired before any surgery and have to lose some weight also, hence I am now on a diet!

  • Hi Muffin758 and thank you for posting,

    I am sorry to learn of your situation. This must be a difficult time.

    I cannot say what the cause of your bowel symptoms might be.  There may be several reasons for this, such as the ones you have mentioned. You mentioned that you are on a diet so this may also be part of it.

    It is worth mentioning your symptoms to either the team at the hospital or to your GP so they are aware and can look into this further if necessary. You may have seen this already but we have information on our website about womb cancer which may be helpful.

    I can imagine it does feel like you are on a roller coaster at the moment. If you feel it would be helpful to talk things through or if you needed any more information you would be welcome to give our nurses a call. The number to call is Freephone 0808 800 4040 and the lines are open from 9am till 5pm Monday to Friday.

    Take care,
