After seeing my GP for PMB on the 12th August I was seen at our local hospital within 2 days. Had a hysteroscopy and found to have a thickend endometrium, polyp. Pipelle biopsy performed. Given all clear including smear.
The next week the polyp was removed and a Mirena coil fitted. I was recalled to clinic and was told there was a cancer found when they performed the MYosure procedure. MRI done. After nearly 2 weeks I was seen on the Thursday (last week) at another hospital and told it was a Stage 1a endometrial cancer. Met the Gynaecologist Oncologist to be offered a full hysterectomy the following Tuesday. Forms were signed etc. I was phoned the next day by one of the senior gynae nurses who informed me I was too high risk for surgery due to my hernia and my raised BMI. I have been suffering alot of bloating above tummy button mainly I have bowel urgency in the morings. I just wonder could this be caused by the cancer, hernia or stress. The last few weeks have been a roller coaster of emotions to say the least! I was told I would probably have to have my hernia repaired before any surgery and have to lose some weight also, hence I am now on a diet!