Cancer Survival

I would like to say that cancer is very difficult to go through in anyone's life. It doesn't matter about your age either because no matter how old you get in life you will always face struggles every day. Everyone wants to be supportive to everyone who is going through cancer right now. I think that everyone is struggling with something in life no matter what you are thinking. Even if you have cancer right now I know that you can push through all of the side effects of cancer. Cancer is very hard work when you have it because you are going to go through all of the bad side effects that comes with any type of cancer and it would be so horrible to go through anything like cancer at any point. I am so very sorry for the people going through cancer right now but you can do this and also always have in your mind positive thoughts instead of negative thoughts while you are going through any type of cancer treatment. 

  • Hi. As a 2 times cancer surviver . I find your post a little off.

    I don't need sympathy and being told to have a positive mindset is  quite frankly patronising. 

    There's no choice if you want to live you just have to keeps going and I'm sure like myself people have negative thoughts. Pretty natural to feel overwhelmed  sad ,ill and not happy sometimes.

  • What a lovely supportive post.

    Are you or a loved one going through cancer treatment at the moment? 

    If you need some help or just a bit of support or to get something off your chest please post back here. 

    Many on this forum are in pretty dark places regarding their situation and outlook for their future. If only keeping positive would cure cancer. Its not that easy when awake in pain at 3.00 am when anxiety levels are through the roof and you know the eventual outcome. If you ask me how I am in the daytime I'll tell you "just fine" to make it easy on you. And the reply is often glad you are keeping positive.

    If only you knew!


  • Think you might know the answers to your questions. 

    With you on the ' I'm fine ' tho it's my partner who says this now. I'm fine ,well fineish , he's not . But at least I know how it is for him because of my own experiences

  • I agree with your reply to the OP. But trying to keep it happy for the well meaning but ìnexperienced poster. Im 10 years on from the original diagnosis surgery radiotherapy etc. So a cure really 5 years being the test. but new metastatic recurrence and running out of options keeps me awake along with pain of recent surgery.


  • Yeah, understand. Just get a bit impatient sometimes.

     I'm 9 years post bowel cancer, extensive surgery but ' lucky ' that surgery ' curative' . Then few months ago uterine cancer,  again surgery considered curative   so lucky I guess. Partner just starting journey - surgery and horrible treatment of ablation therapy