Knee Muscle sarcoma

I have had a lump, progressively increasing in size for over 2 years, was told it was nothing to be dealt with by GPS and after an x Ray. Fast Forward to 6 or so weeks ago and I gave it one last shot to get it seen and I was rushed through for a scan, MRI and then biopsys. I am being told that the results for said biopsies are still processing by my sarcoma nurse. Is this a normal time frame to wait  as I was initially told 2 weeks, then 4 then possibly another 2to4 weeks. The waiting game is agonising especially as I am only just feeling more comfortable following my Biopsies.? The MRI showed that a tendon or ligament is running through the tumour, so I know removal is not going to be a straight forward removal, but what is going on ? 

  • Hi Danniwales and thank you for posting,

    I am sorry to learn of your situation. It can be a stressful and difficult time waiting for results.

    I don't know if you have been explained the delay. There may be several reasons for this. Sometimes the pathologist may ask for a second opinion from another pathologist as this can help to clarify a biopsy result.

    Although it is a worrying time waiting to have tests and test results, the doctors must have all the information they need to confirm a diagnosis, and if it is cancer to see its position and how far it has spread. All this helps the doctors to decide what the best treatment is which will be planned at an MDT (multidisciplinary team) meeting. This is a weekly meeting that includes different health professionals such as surgeons, cancer specialists, radiographers, and nurses.

    Once the doctors have all the results they need and have discussed any treatment plan at the MDT meeting, they will be able to tell you how things will move forward for you.

    I appreciate there is a lot of uncertainty for you. You would be welcome to call our freephone helpline if you would like to speak with one of our nurses. The number to call is 0808 800 4040 between 9 am and 5 pm Monday to Friday.

    I hope you get your results soon

    take care,
