Is my friend lying to me about having Cancer

I hate the way this sounds, as accusing someone of lying is horrible, and that being cancer, is even worse. But I have a very close friend who has driven me to this point over the last year and i can’t help but believe she is no longer being truthful with me, or whether she has ever been. I’ve known her to tell the odd lie before, even joking she has a problem with telling the truth,  but didn’t think she’d go this far. It started at the beginning of 2023 when she said she had a ‘mass’ in her brain, in April she said she had been diagnosed with brain cancer, but could not tell me the type or name or stages, only that the doctors are still figuring it out. Over the next few months she still couldn’t provide any more information and continued to smoke, sometimes drink, and go out to festivals and raves. She argued this was because even if she was sick she wanted to enjoy life. I asked multiple times to come with her to appointments to support her but she never takes me up on the offer, which could be nothing. In the last year she has said she has taken ‘pills’ rather than do chemo, and has claimed to be better, then worse and so on. She still looks the same and hasn’t lost any hair/ weight. She now says she is going to London for three weeks for radiotherapy. She distanced herself and we rarely talk, but she was like a sister to me, I need to know what’s happening, but it feels like she is refusing to be honest. It’s been over a year now since she was diagnosed and not much seems to have changed. like i said she claimed to be on some kind of medication, also at one point claiming she was going to a hospice, but then said she didn’t have to anymore. I’m confused and upset, please help me. Thank you 

  • Hello and thank you for your post.

    I am afraid that I don't think we can be very helpful.

    It sounds like you have asked to attend appointments with her. So, I am not sure if it would help again to ask especially if she is going to London for radiotherapy, perhaps she would like you to visit her? Or perhaps you should just wait to see what happens if anything does. 

    I am afraid that it is not possible for us to know what your friend's situation is.

    I hope you have someone you can talk with about this.

    Take care,


  • If I can just share my view, not as a nurse but as a patient?

    Yes, there are people who may lie about having a serious health condition, for whatever reason (and I have known of one person that did this in competition with a friend who did have cancer & subsequently died from it).

    However, as a non patient the only knowledge we have about cancer is what we read, see or what a loved one may experience and we don't realise that, not only are there many different types of cancers, there are also many types of treatments & many types of symptoms or side effects. We know that chemotherapy & radiotherapy are usually used to treat cancer but it doesn't work on all cancers - immunotherapy and targeted therapy (drugs) are used for those. We know that chemo causes hair loss in most patients but not all, whilst immunotherapy/targeted therapy doesn't. We know that cancer can cause patients to lose weight & look ill whilst some cancers don't until the last few weeks of life. As an example - a melanoma patient whose cancer may have metastasised to the brain would have immunotherapy or targeted therapy and possibly targeted radiation therapy on the brain tumour(s). The patient won't have lost weight, their hair or even look unwell, but they may present with other symptoms/side effects that aren't usual. Melanoma patients don't look ill until within a couple of weeks of death.

    Add to that the fact that every cancer patient deals with their cancer in a way that's best for them. Some become reclusive & don't want to see or be seen, some throw themselves into life to enjoy whatever life they have left, some don't want to talk about their cancer with friends but would rather try to forget it for the moment, some carry on smoking and/or drinking and some prefer to go to hospital appointments alone whilst others prefer company, whether it be a family member or a friend (I prefer to go alone). Also, patients with advanced cancer (Stage 4) are sometimes referred to their local hospice for palliative treatment - this is until they've managed to balance their treatment correctly & then they don't need to go again as they can manage their treatment at home. 

    All I'm trying to say is that your friend could be lying but there is also a chance she could be telling the truth. Without asking her outright I can only suggest that you tell her you don't want her to think she's dealing with this on her own and, as her closest friend, what can you do to help her. If she says there is nothing you can do or she wants from you I would take that as a signal to take a step back and see what happens. If she's genuine, she would probably thank you kindly & say she wants/needs nothing from you but your friendship - you should be able to tell if her choice of words sounds genuine or not. If you are still unsure, it may be your head is telling your heart that it's best to step back & see how things pan out. Time will tell, one way or the other. All the best,

    Angie (Stage 3 melanoma patient since 2009)

  • Hello Angie, thank you for your reply. I hope you’re doing well, and appreciate you taking the time to reply to me. It’s been really hard journey going through this as i feel i am horrible for even considering this, but as she is known to be an (undiagnosed) pathological liar and someone who often cries wolf, it’s not been easy, as i want to believe her and that she is doing all she can. I think your right and it’s time I ask her outright, If she really is sick i want to be around her and help her, we are both so young and i want to make our relationship what it once was again, even if me helping means stepping away. I wish you all the best and again, thank you