Re operation on thyroid


agaim sorry to keep

Fussing but the surgeon I saw wrote to gp

and in the letter it said because I e had two previous surgeries on my thyroid one forty years ago and one ten years thst ll there willbe scar tissue making it more difficult and allso could possibly damage something 

g to

do with vocal chords So that’s another problem but I’ll just see what results are first and the

 And go with what the surgeom Thinks would be best 


ave maria

  • Hi there again Avemaria

    I understand it can be mind boggling to understand everything when undergoing tests, so it is only natural to have questions.

    I would try not to worry and wait and see what the results show. Hopefully it will give more answers this time around.

    Once the results are in the consultant will discuss these with you and plan the next steps, either way.

    look after yourself
