Breast Lump worry


I found a lump in my lower right breast 10 months ago. I was referred on the 2 week wait to the breast clinic. When there they felt the lump and then also found two smaller lumps in my left breast. I had an ultrasound on both and they said as the one I originally came in with looked similar to the others (that I can’t feel as small) they were only going to do a biopsy on one lump in the left breast. They suspected Fibroadenoma but did the biopsy anyway. 

It came back as Fibroadenoma and I was discharged. The original lump I went about in the right breast is still very prominent and I feel it’s getting bigger, I can feel it when I’m laid on my side and can be uncomfortable. My worry is because they didn’t actually biopsy this what if it isn’t a Fibroadenoma and something has been missed. Can this happen? 

I worry as my sister was told she had a cyst in her neck but it turned out to actually be a metastatic melanoma, she’s now terminally ill as it’s spread to her brain so I of course have the worry of misdiagnosis. 

I’m someone that doesn’t want to bother someone for the sake of it so don’t know whether to just leave it or go back as they never actually biopsied the one I was originally worried about. Or is it silly for me to go back when they’ve said it’s a probable Fibroadenoma (but no biopsy just a scan).

I’m 37. My mum has a history or breast cancer but she was diagnosed at 60.

Thank you 

  • Hello LVwill and thanks for your post,

    I am sorry that you are feeling worried about your breast and I can understand that having a history of cancer in your family can make you more concerned about your own wellbeing.

    Fibroadenomas are common at your age and probably far more likely than a breast cancer diagnosis. 

    If it is uncomfortable and causing you concern then do go back and discuss it with your GP who will hopefully put your mind at rest. If they feel that you needed to be re referred to the breast clinic I am sure that they will organise this for you.

    Breast cancer is a common cancer with 1 in 7 women diagnosed with this in their life but usually after the age of 60. Breast cancer is more common when you have a history of breast cancer in the family but most women who have a close relative with breast cancer will never develop it.

    Never feel that you are a bother to your GP that is what they are there for.

    Try not to worry too much.

    If you want to talk any of this through with one of the nurses on the helpline then you are welcome to give us a call.  The number to call is Freephone 0808 800 4040 and the lines are open from 9am till 5pm Monday to Friday.

    All the best,


  • Personally I would definitely go back to the GP and not worry about being a bit of a pain especially if something is bothering you. 
    As mentioned it is likely to be something other than breast cancer and lumps can be common. Getting a biopsy is the definite way to clear things up. 
    I don’t wish to cause any worry for anyone who comes across this post but I feel it’s important to share. I was told 3 times a lump I had was a fibroadenoma when I was 36 and twice was after an ultrasound and only when I eventually went back and had a biopsy was I diagnosed with breast cancer. This was 3.5 years ago now and I’m so glad I went back. I am in the small minority of women though who unfortunately do get this diagnosis under 40. But I always tell people to be persistent if something doesn’t feel right. I know lots of people who have had completely normal lumps diagnosed. I even had another lump near my chest area which was nothing to worry about. 

  • Offline in reply to rmscj

    Thank you for this. I will definitely go back. Did you have any other symptoms or just the lump if you don’t mind me asking? Glad to hear you’re doing well. 

  • Offline in reply to LVwill

    Hi, I just had the lump. It was a bit painful and one Doctor told me it moved. I noticed if I held my arms above my head I could see what looked like a light dent in the skin near the lump. The area also looked a bit bruised as well.

    Hope all goes well.