Basal cell carcinoma removal

I had a basal cell carcinoma removed from the side of my nose three weeks ago. I haven’t heard from the hospital since but have seen the the nurse at my GP surgery. I have a cut under my eye which surprised me, it is very raised and uncomfortable. The wound by my nose is healing. I feel very self conscious and hate going out at the moment. Not sure if there is anything that I can put on the scar under my eye. At the moment I just clean it with a saline solution. Any suggestions?

  • You need to moisurise the scars everyday. To prevent skin drying out and reduce the appearance of the scar. When healed enough also gently massage the scars for 5 to 10 minutes. Vaseline is best but least nice option. Any moisuriser will do, makeup can mask the scar a bit. Also you will notice scar more than the people you meet who probably will not notice at all. Ed

  • Also use factor 50 suncream on your face ears every day to help prevent you getting more of these BCC'c Ed

  • Hello Rosie, and thank you for posting.

    I am sorry you have concerns about this cut.

    As we are not part of your care it is difficult for us to comment on what to do. If you are worried about it then do go back to the practice nurse or speak to the hospital. You could also discuss it with the pharmacist who might have an idea of what will help.

    Take care and I hope this gets sorted for you soon. If you find it helpful to talk things through with one of the nurses on our helpline.  The number to call is Freephone 0808 800 4040 and the lines are open from 9 am till 5 pm, Monday to Friday.


  • My surgeon recommended a product called golden eye- I am using it three times a day on my wound currently. Think it is generally used for conjunctivitis. 

  • I was told to use it twice a day for seven days but that was it. My practice nurse has been very helpful. I’ll be glad when I have had the biopsy result I must confess.