Metastic lung cancer

First time using this , and wondered if anyone can offer some help on the subject. 

 Mum had tumour on her lung 3 years ago . Very small , had radiotherapy and was fine after it .

3 weeks ago she had pain at shoulder blades . Went to out of hours , x Ray was done , antibiotics given for infection . 2 weeks later appointment for a scan came in . Had that done on Tues,  this week . Appointment with consultant the next day . So  she has metastic lung cancer.  She is 78. 

I am very strong , and can take any answers . 

Will anyone try and tell me how long she may last . 

  • Hello Roslyn21 and thanks for the post

    I am very sorry to hear about your mum's situation, this must be such a difficult time for you and I can understand you having some questions.

    Unfortunately without being involved in your mum's direct care we cannot say what this diagnosis may mean for her in the short or long term.

    There are many different factors that could affect this, such as what is the extent of the cancer and what treatments may be available to her and how the cancer respond to these, if available. These are questions best answered by the doctors and nurses looking after you mum so do ask them.

    This of course is an upsetting time and I am sure what want to know what to expect but sometimes even when the doctors can give a prognosis ( how long someone may have) this will only be an estimate not an exact time frame.

    I hope you know much more soon, please get back to us if you need any more information or support.  You may find it helpful to talk things through with one of the nurses on our helpline.  The number to call is Freephone 0808 800 4040 and the lines are open from 9am till 5pm Monday to Friday.

    Take care
