How can you tell if immunotherapy working

I was diagnosed with melanoma behind my ear march24 2.33mm deep and in lymphatic system. CT scan mud April showed no spread apart to nearby lymph node which had been swollen which was what alerted me to see Dr initially. 

By end of April I had a neck dissection in southampton. 24 nodes removed 3 showing cancer signs.  

July I had PET scan and now spread to liver. Aug CT scan now spread to lung and numerous and a large 7cm tumour on liver.

Started intense dual immunotherapy 31st Jul. Scheduled for 4 sessions last one being first week of October.  Apart from being tired I've felf fine but my thyroid has been up and down and I am now on medication as its too low.  My dancer is very aggressive and I'm wondering could my treatment be working. My urine is a more natural colour than it was prior to my treatment it was like cider colour. I feel lots better. 

Every time I see Dr I get more bad news. I am being too optimistic to thi k I could be one of the lu ky ones and my treatment might be halting the growth. It's just it grew and spread from nothing to large in such a short space of time I'm thinking if treatment not working surely I don't have long to live and I would be feeling much worse than I am. 

Statistics seem very poor for immunotherapy but is thos because some people have if after chemo and everything else has failed. Whereas my treatment was my first and only option. 

Hope you can give me some encouring words but please be honest. By the way I'm 56 never smoked hardly ever drink as tend to be the nominated driver and in fact haven't had a drink at all this year and now won't ever again. Haven't eaten red meat for over r0 years. So apart from the cancer tumour my liver would've been in good shape.

Zo zo

  • Hello Zo Zo and thank you for posting.

    I am so sorry that you have had a very difficult year, and I hope you are getting support.

    I am afraid I do not know if the immunotherapy treatment is working, it will only be your doctor, who may do blood tests and a scan once treatment has finished who will be able to tell you.  But I am so glad you are feeling better in yourself. 

    Take care Zo Zo and I hope you know more about how things are going soon. If you want to talk things through with one of the nurses on our helpline.  The number to call is Freephone 0808 800 4040 and the lines are open from 9 am till 5 pm Monday to Friday.
