Brain tumor symptoms

Hey there im 15/m. I would like to know how bad the headaches are and how they feel. I feel a little worried that I may have a tumor because of random Ice pick headaches+ how likely am I to survive at my age? thank you.

  • Hello and thank you for your post.

    I am sorry to hear that you are worried about headaches. These are usually due to poor sleep, being a bit stressed, or poor posture. Even sleeping on a poor pillow can strain the neck and cause a headache. Not drinking enough fluids can cause dehydration too, which can lead to a headache. So there are many possible explanations. Eye strain from not using glasses will definitely contribute to having headaches. So, do wear any glasses regularly. Strengthening and stretching exercises to the neck and shoulder regions can also help.

    There is good helpful information about headaches on the NHS website Severe headaches can often be due to cluster headaches

    You could ask your GP for a referral to a hospital based migraine or headache clinic where they review people with ongoing headaches. 

    Try not to Google symptoms, it rarely helps and tends to increase anxiety. Brain tumours are in fact quite rare, straightforward headaches are very common.

    I hope that you feel better soon.

    Kind regards,
