Oesophageal cancer chemotherapy options


I've recently been diagnosed with oesophageal cancer, no mets but lymph node spread. I have been given the option of having either FLOT chemotherapy and then surgery (if possible post chemo), or 2 drug chemotherapy.

I was wondering if I could get some advice on the differences between these two chemo options - are the side effects significantly worse with FLOT? I'm already ambivalent about any kind of surgery, due to its impact on quality of life, but am still considering and think knowing about the differences in chemo side effect profiles might help me.

Thanks very much

  • Hello HB1 and thank you for posting.

    It is difficult when people are given a choice in their treatments as it's hard to know how anyone will react or respond. One person's experience will not necessarily be another. 

    We have information on oesophageal treatment and FLOT on our website, but it might be best to hear from others who have had similar decisions.

    If you post on the 'Living with Cancer' thread of this forum you may get others to come forward, or you could post on the Macmillan forum. Do also speak to your team so you feel fully informed about the choice you are making.

    Take care and if you find it helpful to talk things through with one of the nurses on our helpline the number is Freephone 0808 800 4040. The lines are open from 9 am till 5 pm, Monday to Friday.


  • I had flot treatment and was fine not much side effects and if any you have get nausea tablets .

     I'm 48 no underlying health conditions I would recommend get flot and then get the oesphagectomy. Keep positive ️