Vulva melanoma

Hello my health anxiety is horrendous I'm checking my body all the time! I looked down at my private area and noticed pigmentation on my vulva and a mole on my clitoris so sorry to use these words so embarrassed! Immediately thought oh no what if its vulva melanoma! I have had some itchiness there but on and off I'm so worried.  Please help 

  • Hello and thank you for your post.

    Most skin pigmentation and moles/lesions in the vulva area are easily explained.

    Vulva cancer is rare, and tends to affect older women over 65. If you are concerned, then do make an Appointment to see your GP who will examine you and hopefully reassure you. You can ask for a female GP. It is usually best to get things checked out for peace of mind. Try to not Google symptoms, as it rarely helps. 

    I hope that this helps, 

    Wishing you the best, 


  • Hello i was diagnosed at 48 years old and it returned on the opposite side 10 years later.1st one being nodular melonoma and the 2nd one mucosal melnoma

    so pleased get this checked.