My dad's been living with prostate cancer for 5 years, been offered radiotherapy but haven't said if it's spread

My dad’s had prostate cancer for 5 years. Been controlled until January gone. Pains down below and spasms Has a 3 way catheter now and is always full with blood. They’ve offered him radiotherapy starting next week. But they haven’t said if it has spread? Will they tell us if is has? He’s 80 years old now and I dint no how to cope if radiotherapy makes him more poorly? Will this happen and should I bring him to live with me? Thanks. My heads all over the place 

  • Hello Princess24 and thanks for your post,

    I am sorry to hear about your dad this must be a difficult time for you all. 

    It would probably be a good idea and if your dad agrees that you try to attend his next appointment so you have a chance to ask all these questions.

    The radiotherapy may be able to help control some of his symptoms that he is having, however his doctors and nurses are probably in a better situation to tell you what the aim of any treatment will be and if and where the cancer has spread. You would need your dad's permission if you wanted to speak to the doctors on your own.

    We do have some information about radiotherapy which you might find helpful to read. It does list the potential side effects. The radiographers will also explain any potential side effects that he may experience before he starts the treatment.

    Prostate Cancer UK also have some information about this type of radiotherapy

    I am not sure what your dad's home circumstances are and what support he has at home but it might be worth seeing how he gets on with the radiotherapy in the first place. Do also ask him what he wants. Depending on how fit and able your dad is you could try and speak to his GP with his permission to see what support and help he may be able to get at home.

    I do hope that the radiotherapy is well tolerated and that it helps control the pain and spasms that he has been experiencing.

    Do ring and chat any of this through with one of the helpline nurses if you would like to.  The number to call is Freephone 0808 800 4040 and the lines are open from 9am till 5pm Monday to Friday.

    All the best,
