Stomach Cancer Consultant Explanation

Hello All, first time here but I guess it might not be last.

I have just had a endoscopy (with additional Ultra sound which was not carried out after because of findings of initial look around).

My report says severe erythematous mucusa with erosion consistent with gastritis in the cardia, fungus of the stomach, body of the stomach, greater curve of the stomach, lesser curve of the stomach, insecure, antrum and preplyloric region.   Severe gastritis type picture of entire stomach and stomach does not distend well.  Biopsies taken x 8, £Linitis, CLO positive., will need eradication.  D2 Bx to r/o coeliac.  Suspicious of cancer..   Given findings, I did not proceed with EUS and suggest UGI MDT is the first instance and await biopsies.  CLO positive, will need erudition . 

So, can anyone help me fathom all that above?  I guess it does sound like cancer and I am due to have a colonoscopy on Friday too.  Any input from anyone would be much obliged. 

I am a strong sole and will not be afraid of anything, anyone has to say.  Thank you all very much


  • Hi,

    The nurses will be back online tomorrow. 

    As a patient I’m not qualified to interpret but some of the acronyms are familiar.

    CLO positive just means they’ve found a certain type of bacteria which can cause cancer - that isn’t the same as having cancer. 
    D2 is a type of tissue sample. 
    EUS is the ultrasound you mentioned. 
    UGI MDT is a meeting of the upper gastro intestinal team where people from the surgical, oncology, radiography and medical imaging teams discuss a case.

    It sounds like they’ve taken biopsies and won’t know for sure til the pathology test results are received. 

    i hope that helps - I’m sure the nurses will correct me if I’m wrong. 

    Good luck!

  • Offline in reply to davek

    Thank you Dave, much appreciated.  I will plod on (not that I have a choice) and see what transpires.  Will the biopsies confirm cancer, one way or another.  I  will just wait.  Don't worry.  Thanks again.

  • Hi D and thanks for posting,

    As cancer information nurses we are unable to interpret reports or provide a medical opinion.   

    However, as Dave has also mentioned as you can see from the report it looks like they are not sure if there is cancer. Only the biopsies that were taken will be able to confirm this, so there is a possibility it isn't. It also looks like you have gastritis (inflammation) and have tested positive (CLO positive)  for the H- pylori infection ( Helicobacter pylori) which will need treatment.

    In the meantime, it looks like you have been referred to the UGI MDT (Upper Gastrointestinal multidisciplinary team) to discuss your case. This is a meeting that involves, a team of gastroenterologists (doctors who specialise in treating organs in the upper digestive tract such as the oesophagus, stomach and intestines) specialist nurses, radiographers and oncologists who meet weekly to discuss different cases of people who may have cancer or other upper GI conditions.

    It would be best to discuss the full report with your team at the hospital or you may find it helpful to contact your GP as they will have also been sent a copy of the report. 

    I realise this must be difficult and that there is a lot of uncertainty for you. Please feel free to get back to us if you need any more information or support.  You may find it helpful to talk things through with one of the nurses on our helpline.  The number to call is Freephone 0808 800 4040 and the lines are open from 9 am till 5 pm, Monday to Friday.

    Take care,
