I'm not sure where to ask this

Sorry if this isn't the right place but I'm a bit of a hypochondriac and I'm underweight and have started dietician meetings. he wanted a blood test but it came back as a borderline and now needs a repeat 

I made the mistake of Googling it and I saw cancer in every title 

I'm worried they've found something unrelated to the diet and it could be cancer 

I have no idea how blood tests work really what would the test been looking for could it of found anything 

The doctors have called a few times in the last month but I managed to miss every one they offered a appointment in October to do a repeat and the gp wants to discuss results the receptionist said in a voice mail it's nothing to worry about which actually worried me more 

Would the appointment be urgent and next day if they even had a small suspicion of cancer 

I'm super terrified that it is cancer  (I'm gonna get a same day appointment because I can't wait for 3 weeks)

  • Hello Account3838 and thank you for posting,

    I  was unsure what blood test you had and what you meant by your blood being borderline. 

    A doctor would not know if a blood test was borderline because of cancer, further tests alongside blood tests are needed to make a diagnosis.

    Blood tests are often done to check a person's general health, for example, they check to see if a person might be anaemic (have low red blood cells) which can be caused by many reasons such as not having enough iron in your diet.

    It is important to know that having an abnormal blood test does not mean it is cancer. Your GP can tell you what blood tests were done, what was found, and whether or not further tests are needed.

    Unfortunately, looking on the internet will not be able to explain your situation and it can heighten anxiety. I realise this is easier said than done, but try not to overthink things. I hope you can get an appointment with your GP soon.

    Take care,
