Stomach pains

Hello I'm wondering can I ask gp for a abdomen. Ultrasound? I'm getting discomfort under my right ribs.  Gp examined my tummy said felt normal and bloods came bavk normal.  I have thought about going private because I'm so anxious eith my health anxiety.  I couldn't find any guidelines.  

  • Hello Bear3 and thanks for your post,

    I am sorry to hear that you are feeling anxious about your health.

    I can understand that it can be unsettling having pain in your stomach and I wonder what your GP said to you. We can't diagnose you and if your stomach pain doesn't get better then do go back and discuss this with your GP. You could ask about having an abdominal ultrasound but your GP may not think that this is the best diagnostic test to have in the first place.

    Diet and how we exercise has a huge part to play in how our gut works. You may find it helpful to keep a food diary to see if there are any triggers that make the pain worse or a time of day that this happens. Does the pain happen before or after eating for example?

    The NHS have produced some guidelines on Eatwell

    Anxiety about health can also have an effect on how our bowels work. If you are feeling anxious about your health you may find it helpful to look at AnxietyUK. It does have some useful tools in helping to manage anxiety.

    Before you decide whether to go private or not do see if there is anything that you can do in the first instance to help manage the pain. 

    Do go back to your GP if the pain continues.

    All the best,
