Radiography for breast caner

I am to have 15 sessions over three weeks. Is the radiography ‘hit’ the same every time and are all sites ‘hit’ every session too?

  • Hi there and thanks for the post

    I am sorry to hear you are about to have some radiotherapy to your breast.

    We have some more information about having radiotherapy for breast cancer on our website, so do take a look. Your own team will be able to tell you whether you are needing to have radiotherapy to the whole breast or just part of it.

    The radiotherapy team will plan precisely the radiotherapy you need. As you have been told already you will have radiotherapy ( given at the same dose to all the specified area/s every time) Monday-Friday for 3 weeks.

    I hope this helps but do speak to your team more about this.

    Wishing you all the best

    Take care
