Mole that's changed over night ( scared)

Hi I woke up this morning to a mole on my arm which I've always had. It's has always been a normal light brown, smooth and normal looking. My this morning when I woke up I saw right away my mole had changed dramatically. It's now raised and dark and went to circle size which wasn't the size of it before. It's kinda tender to touch but not bad. When touching it, it feels like a spot when you pick it and and that small scab forms. It also has a dark black spot in the middle of it. I'm really scared as I'm a mum to 5 kids. And have the fear of it being cancer and getting a long life to see my kids grow up

  • Hi Barnesy and thank you for posting,

    I am sorry to learn that you have a mole that is causing you concern

    As cancer information nurses we cannot diagnose you or give a medical opinion. Only a doctor who can examine you can make a diagnosis. The best thing to do is to get checked by your GP, and if they are concerned they will refer you to the hospital for further tests.

    I hope you can get an appointment with your doctor soon. You may find it helpful to talk things through with one of the nurses on our helpline.  The number to call is Freephone 0808 800 4040 and the lines are open from 9am till 5pm Monday to Friday.

    Please feel free to

    Take care,


  • Thank you so much, I think I'm even more worried with the time frame with everything. Example of getting the appointment with the doctors and then waiting for another appointment if I have to do and if I have to have another appointment to get it removed. Has I saw o line apparently it can spread within 6 weeks

  • Hi there and thanks for getting back

    I appreciate you are worried but for now the priority is getting your doctor to take a look at the mole. 

    As Jemma said you need to contact your surgery and then take it from there. If your doctor thinks they need to refer you on to skin specialist (dermatologist) they will arrange this.

    Unfortunately it can take time and several appointments to get answers and this is unsettling for anyone going through this but there is no way of speeding this up.

    Googling things can make people worry more than they need so avoid this if you can and instead take things one step at a time.

    There could be a number of reasons for this to have changed in appearance other than a melanoma so please try not to over think things until you have spoken with your doctor.

    I hope everything is okay for you

    Take care


  • Thank you and yes I've stayed away from Google today and tried to keep myself busy. Fingers crossed I get an appointment tomorrow as that will be the first step. I will keep everyone up to date with a how everything goes. A huge thank you to everyone who has taken the time to read my post and also reply. 

    Thanks everyone