Hi. I noticed a CIBH around 5 weeks ago.  Much softer stools but still formed. I do have piles but they’ve been stable. 
I went to the doctors to request a FIT test and it came back Normal <6ug. But in brackets was (ref range 0-5) what does this mean? I’m sadly down the rabbit hole of Google and the NHS app says change in bowel habits, constipation, softer stool and diarrhoea. So clearly I’ve fit into that category immediately . I’ve also started the HRT gel and the symptoms started a week later. Having read the side effects it put my mind at ease a little as it can cause constipation or diarrhoea. But mines just really soft and still formed. 
Would <6ug be considered high given the cut off is 10ug?

  • I am not a nurse, but less than 6 is definitely not considered high. People get results in the hundreds. 10 or under means no blood found. 

    And even the really high results like 400 don't mean the person has cancer, just that they have blood in their stool. That could be caused by many things.

  • I’m confused as the range is up to 10ug. Anything higher is investigated is it not? Or have I misunderstood the NHS website?

    Thank you for answering my question 

  • Yes, anything over 10 is investigated, but all under 10 is really one category - no blood. Then above that, it's a question of how much blood. Any has to be investigated, even a tiny bit. 

  • Please excuse my ignorance but if there was no blood, wouldn’t it be 0?

  • Hello T75 and thanks for the post

    I am sorry to hear you have noticed a change in bowel habit. There are many things that can cause this to happen and in most cases it won't be down to cancer.

    The FIT test is used to guide which patients should require further investigation in terms of a colonoscopy however if symptoms are persisting and you remain concerned do go back to your doctor.

    The threshold FIT result for a referral onto a suspected cancer pathway is set at 10ug or above. There are other red flag symptoms alongside a change in bowel habit that may also warrant further investigations so do discuss if you have noticed any other worrying symptoms.

    Do discuss this and any concerns you have with your doctor. They can assess you further and discuss the results with you. Hopefully they can put your mind at ease or decide to run some more tests to find out more.

    Best wishes
