FIT Test

Hi I've just been to a Drs appointment because I've had blood when wiping after a bowel movement and I'm a little confused about their planned course of investigation, so I wondered if you could explain further? The doctor asked me some questions and then examined me, he had a look and then an internal examination. He said that I have some external piles that are bruised and that he couldn't feel anything at of of concern inside. He said he's not worried and he believes it's the piles causing the bleeding given my only symptom is pain at the point of passing the poo and the bleeding plus him feeling.nothing. However, he's requested a FIT test just to be absolutely sure. But my question that I didn't think when I was in there is that the FIT test is going to come back positive because as I told him there is some blood on my poo. So due to this so that I'm prepared (as I'm currently so anxious) if there is blood on my poo this test is going to come back positive and then I'll be sent for a colonoscopy won't I? The doctor prescribed me some new treatment for my piles so do I give that a few days to see if it settles the bleeding and then send off the FIT sample? Thank you 

  • Do the FIT test. Better safe than sorry. If referred for a colonoscopy, again better safe than sorry

  • Hi Maximus123 and thank you for posting,

    I am sorry to learn that you are having symptoms that are causing you concern.

    The FIT (faecal immunochemical test) is done to look for hidden blood in poo (positive FIT). If blood is found, then yes, you will be referred to the hospital urgently and would likely have a colonoscopy to rule out bowel cancer. A colonoscopy is a camera test which allows the doctor to check inside the bowels, to see what is causing the blood loss.

    It is important to know there are several things which may cause a positive FIT as well as cancer, such as haemorrhoids (piles), or inflammatory bowel disease. Most people who have a colonoscopy will not have cancer.  

    As Gillm has said it is best to be safe and get yourself checked.

    Take care, please feel free to come back to us if you need any more information or support.

    Best wishes
