Checking about my skin blemish/rash

Hi,  i am a little concerned about a sudden appearance of a darkened/reddish skin rash which doesn’t seem to have faded. It looks like a light burn mark but haven’t been in the sun at all and always wear protection.  It’s about a the size of a thumb print above my right breast to the left of by my bra strap- it’s not raised or itchy but would like an opinion - should I send you an image to see if a doctors appointment is required ?? 

  • Hello SPE and thanks for your post

    As nurses I'm afraid we cannot give a medical opinion and always advise people to arrange an appointment with their GP to discuss any concerning changes to their bodies.

    There could be a number of reasons for this mark but if it isn't settling down and you are unsure what it has been caused by, it's best to get checked out, just to be on the safe side.

    Best wishes
