Question around chemotherapy


i have been diagnosed with triple negative breast cancer and I was told in clinic I would have chemo after my lumpectomy but the letter I just got from the consultant just says radiotherapy.

is it possible just to have radiotherapy or could it be a mistake?



  • Hi there and thanks for posting

    I am sorry to hear about your situation

    Unfortunately without being involved in any patients direct care we cannot say what your treatment plan will definitely be.

    We have information about Triple Negative Breast Cancer on our website that talks about most patients will have surgery, radiotherapy and chemotherapy for this type of cancer. However it does depend on it's stage ( size and if it has spread to nearby lymph nodes) so therefore the results from the surgery may have showed this may not be needed for you.

    This is something best discussed with your team directly so do get in contact with them when you can.

    Wishing you all the best
