Re ct scan

Hello back again I’ve had a letter saying I’ve got to have a cy scan I know it’s not same as mri

but to me it’s still an enclosed space and I have awful claustrophobia do you think I should mention this I don’t want to look like I’m making a fuss 

but the thought of it it really worrying me 

I’ve also got to

habe the FNA done again but that I can deal with 

thank you and Maria 

it said it letter my result was 3T for FNA 

  • Hello and thank you for posting again,

    A CT scan is very similar to a MRI scan and is fact usually much quicker, (a few minutes), and quieter. You can let them know and ask for headphones to see if this helps. Yes, sometimes biopsies need to be repeated in order to get a better sample of cells. 

    I hope that both go well for you.

    Best wishes,


  • I've had so many CT scans I've forgotten how many. Mine were not in an enclosed space. It was a large donut shaped ring which the bed slides into. I could see out ,around and for mine my head was out. Different scans take different amounts if time. I've had 5min ones and 20 min ones. No where near as claustrophobic as an MRI. Of which I've had too many to count.