Having problems getting further tests after stool test came back positive

I have had a stool test come back positive, am anaemic and CA199 test back raised. Had an urgent referral to hospital for investigation. Yet a nurse is going to contact me tomorrow to ask questions and will decide, based on my answers I guess, whether I need any further tests?!  This is very worrying to me.  Surely the test results and my history of anaemia and bowel habit changes is enough to warrant some form of investigation?  Is this normal?

  • Hi Horthy, and thank you for posting,

    With a positive FIT test (there is blood in the stool) you will have tests to find out the cause and to rule out bowel cancer. The nurse is likely calling you to assess which test is the best way forward for you. Often now nurses will triage the urgent referrals and assess if someone is fit enough to go straight for a test which is most likely to be a colonoscopy or a CT scan or if they need to be assessed by a doctor first depending on the situation.

    I hope this helps a little, the nurse will clarify everything when she calls you tomorrow. I hope everything turns out to be OK.

    Please feel free to get back to us if you need any more information or support. 

    Take care,


  • Thank you so much for getting back to me so soon and for putting my mind at rest. I am a nervous wreck right now!  The wait alone is killing me.  I’ve not long lost my brother to cancer and I’m so scared that I will be overlooked.  After 9 days of waiting to hear from the hospital I telephoned them and they had no referral for me at all! It turned out for some reason my doctor had failed to actually send my referral, so they forwarded it urgently yesterday.  So that didn’t help my frayed nerves much!

    im rambling on on now, so thank you again.  Take care.