Biopsy Polyps


I had a colonoscopy yesterday. They found 3 sessile segrated polyps which were 6mm, 6mm and 7mm. They removed them. 

They have ended my 28 day pathway which I believe is good but not sure. They said no cancer seen in my bowel.

I wanted to ask, are these type of polyp bad? What am I to expect next? I believe they are 'small' but if there is canver found in them at the biopsy, will I expect more treatment? 

  • Hi Tilly and thank you for posting 

    Most polyps are not cancer, but if left, occasionally some could turn into cancer. 

    Your hospital team will go through with you what your follow-up will be, it may be that you have further surveillance in the future. If any cancer cells are found in the polyps, they will let you know.

    This information, from an NHS trust, talks through what happens after a polypectomy. Your hospital trust may have produced similar.

    For some, they will be considered at a slightly higher risk of bowel cancer, so it may be colonoscopies are performed. How often these procedures are done will depend on a person's level of risk.

    Take care Tilly, and hopefully you will know more soon. You may find it helpful to talk things through with one of the nurses on our helpline.  The number to call is Freephone 0808 800 4040 and the lines are open from 9 am till 5 pm, Monday to Friday.
